Payday loans are a quick, easy way to pay off bills until your next payday. Though they may have higher fees than other types of loans, their main benefit is convenience. While you will have to pay the loan back over three to 60 months, you can get the cash you need today and pay it off when you are due.

Payday loans in Florida near me are short-term loans that provide you with quick cash during times of need. The amount you borrow can be anywhere from $100 to $35,000. The loan period is usually three to 60 months. The longer the loan period, the more interest you’ll pay, so make sure you know how much money you’ll need and when you’ll get paid.

Payday loans in Florida have a few requirements for applicants. Generally, you need to be at least eighteen years of age, have an email address and a working phone number. In addition, you must be a resident of Florida and have a stable source of income. Payday lenders in Florida will typically approve your application within a few hours. Once approved, your cash will usually be sent to your checking account on the same day, or on the next business day.

One of the largest lenders in Florida is Advance America. This company has been around since 1997 and offers loans from $100 to $500. Advance America’s fees are ten percent of the loan amount plus a $5 verification fee. The APR for an Advance America loan ranges between thirteen percent and three hundred nine percent, and there is no rollover option.